Our mission is to help men and boys realize their full potential to love and positively connect with themselves and others.
We assume all men possess an inherent goodness, strength and tenderness that allow them to value themselves, to love and respect others, and to be open to change. We help men learn to create relationships built upon positive self-esteem, respect for others, safety, and nonviolence.
Our programs challenge the stereotypes of Male Code – society’s traditional assumptions about what masculinity is supposed to look like. We help men to heal and create needed changes in their lives, to learn to be honest and authentic, to positively connect with women, children, and folks of all backgrounds and ages. This may include overcoming self-destructive patterns such as compulsive behaviors, self-harm, isolation, anger, and violence.
Our work as an organization began in 1977 when our founder, Gerry Evans, MSW realized a need for a place for men to receive counseling and related services to address the challenges facing men in society.
Our programs started with anger management and domestic violence intervention counseling and groups. What has followed are programs addressing a wide set of issues men face, including isolation from close male friendships, sexual addictions, low self-esteem often due to a sense of “failed” masculinity, as well as issues around aging, parenting and intimacy.
We have continued this work with recent additional emphasis on training professionals and advocacy for social change that increase men’s awareness of challenges facing women as well as men in the area of sexual harassment, violence, homophobia and racism.